Who We are

We are young, competent, professional, and passionate. We love our work and always give it our best, focussing on quality because we know that this makes all the difference.

We are quick to understand your requirements; we operate with logic, good sense, and above all with the awareness that your business is your and our source of income. At Bidok, you will find professionals who are orientated towards agile programming, with an important basis of technical-functional specifications and independent roles.

We work hard to improve our economic prospects but we are conscious that this is insufficient for creating platforms and services of exceptionally high quality; passion and the desire to improve are fundamental elements for successfully completing the journey towards the definitive release.


We share our strategies and new opportunities for development with all bidok departments to ensure that everyone feels involved and motivated. We never use our clients as references; we respect their privacy, and their satisfaction is our incentive for growth.

We believe that the economic sharing of our work is an excellent method for increasing operative collaboration with our clients.

We favour conference calls and remotely manage work in order to optimise costs and follow clients in different countries all over the world.

At Bidok, we all believe that without the right technology, no business project can succeed in competing and arousing enthusiasm.

Industry 4.0

A new administrative and technological paradigm

Industry 4.0 is a gradual journey towards a new administrative and technological paradigm, which departs from existing technologies and progressively develops skills and new business models. It improves company performance in terms of service, productivity, quality, flexibility, and sustainability. It allows for the predictive maintenance of installations. It creates new spaces and channels for the sharing and planning of processes. Let's get started with your digital transformation process right away. We provide measurable data on the effectiveness of processes in real time.

Bidok Connected Factory

This implements the Internet of Things (IoT) in your company, connecting equipment and industrial devices to achieve automatic monitoring of machinery and production lines, to reduce downtime and maintenance costs. It increases the productivity and profitability of your establishment.

Bidok Predictive Maintenance

This foresees malfunctions, avoids downtime, and dramatically lowers repair costs. It gathers and analyses data to evaluate the status of machinery, it promptly identifies malfunctions and carries out preventative maintenance.

Bidok Remote Monitoring

It gathers data directly "in the field" and analyses it to make informed business decisions. It automates the monitoring of processes, equipment, and company devices. It reduces times and costs and increases the efficiency of machinery and production lines.

Bidok Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

It dialogues in real time with machinery and information systems, using the natural language. It improves its own performance through the advancement of interactions. It provides informed responses, real-time assistance, and information that is of value for production processes and company decisions.

Bidok E-collaboration

It creates new spaces for collaboration and the sharing of processes. It allows for the planning and monitoring of current and future productions. It multiplies communication channels and renders the relationship between company, supplier, and client more efficient.

Digital company

New business models that amplify the relationship with the client

It is important to rethink and innovate your own competitive models in a sustainable way and create permanent "digital bridges" between company and client, improving the relationship, promoting trust, and increasing margins. Strategic advice + digital platforms for the creation, design, and management of new business models functional to the Digital Transformation of Commercial Companies and Services.

Bidok Digital Strategy

This identifies new business models and defines digital platforms to achieve them. It supports companies in the process of cultural and digital transformation.

Bidok Digital Platforms

These create multi-channel experiences and new integrated digital products. They improve internal processes and the relationship with clients, promote loyalty, and increase margins.

Bidok Business Data Intelligence

This turns relationships into revenue. It maximises client loyalty and the profits of the company.


This list represents our release capabilities in a macro way: bidok believes in integrated development and that each customer should receive a specific analysis to realize the technology best suited to his or her needs.


Artificial Intelligence
& Machine Learning

Web Applications
Hybrid & Mobile

API Develop
Backend API-Driven

Big Data & Analytics


Cloud Computing


Digital Experience

eCommerce B2C
B2B Integration

Internet of Things



Technical and administrative support service for the management, control and archiving of the personal data of the individual condominiums and properties required to access the Superbonus 110% incentives. Consultancy in the management of relationships and communications with professionals, companies in charge and condominiums.


Administrative technical support in the preparation of tables containing the personal and cadastral data of the properties subject to energy redevelopment interventions as part of the Superbonus 110%. Elaboration of procedures aimed at simplifying work and improving communication and exchange of information with companies and condominium administrators.


Support for companies in the sector that need to purchase building products and products aimed at energy efficiency (boilers, fixtures, scaffolding, thermal insulation ..). Consultancy in finding the most suitable materials on the market, in the verification of quotes and in the choice of suppliers, our qualified partners, with dedicated prices and discounts.

Brands and our main clients

Our customers are of fundamental importance to us, for this reason we study their needs through specific analyzes and create the best performing solutions around them. Our goal is to try to establish stable relationships with customers and become the best solution for them. We support companies in the digital transformation process.




Work with Us



Dynamism, versatility and enthusiasm are the traits shared by each team member. Bidok looks for humble and at the same time ambitious people, professionals who are able to show new paths and provide new ideas. The Bidok team welcomes everyone who sees things differently, those who are not afraid to experiment and get involved.

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